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HPRA Leadership Team

The Chief Executive is responsible for the day to day activities of the HPRA assisted by a Leadership Team comprising all HPRA directors.

Dr Lorraine Nolan

Chief Executive

Photo of Lorraine Nolan, Chief Executive of the HPRA

Lorraine is our Chief Executive and is responsible for oversight of the day-to-day activities of the HPRA, assisted by the HPRA Leadership Team. Lorraine has over 20 years’ experience working in health product regulation, having joined the HPRA in 2001.

Since joining the HPRA, Lorraine has held numerous roles at senior level within the organisation across a range of areas. These include inspection and authorisation of human medicines, medical devices, cosmetics, and controlled substances. Prior to assuming the role of Chief Executive in 2016, Lorraine was Director of the Human Products Authorisation and Registration Department. Lorraine is also the current Chair of the European Medicines Agency’s Management Board.

Before joining the HPRA, Lorraine worked for a number of years in private industry in the area of drug development and also within the state forensic science services.

Lorraine is a chemist by training, having completed her PhD and post-doctoral research in transdermal drug delivery at Trinity College Dublin.

Rita Purcell

Deputy Chief Executive

Photo of Rita Purcell

Rita Purcell joined the Irish Medicines Board in 1996 heading up the Finance and Corporate Affairs Department. Her responsibilities include finance, legal, corporate policy, property, secretariat and international affairs. Ms Purcell also sits as an “alternative” member in the EMA management board and was a member of the council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland from 2008 to 2015. Ms Purcell read law at University College Dublin and qualified as a chartered accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers. She worked in a number of different industries before joining the Irish Medicines Board. 

Dr J. Gabriel Beechinor

Director of Veterinary Sciences

Photo of Dr J.Gabriel Beechinor, Director of Veterinary Sciences

Dr. J. Gabriel Beechinor is our Director of Veterinary Sciences, responsible for the authorisation and monitoring of veterinary medicinal products as well as the welfare of animals used for scientific purposes in Ireland. He joined the organisation in 1987 and became head of department in 1999.

Before joining the HPRA, Gabriel was a veterinary practitioner in mixed practice and gained additional qualifications in veterinary medicine and in business.

Gabriel has a degree in veterinary medicine with a number of post-graduate qualifications in veterinary medicine and in business. He has served in various roles in the regulation of veterinary medicines in the European Medicines Agency and is a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

Ms Sinead Curran

Director of Human Products Monitoring

Photo of Sinead Curran, Director of Human Products Monitoring

Sinead is our Director of Human Products Monitoring. She leads a department responsible for safety monitoring and risk management of medicines in clinical use. Her responsibilities include the leading the national suspected adverse reaction reporting service, overseeing benefit-risk evaluations of medicines as part of the EUs system of pharmacovigilance and regulatory management of communications on important new safety issues. Her department also work closely with national health system partners in vigilance monitoring activities for substances of human origin (blood, tissues, organs).

She has twenty years of experience working in medicines regulation. She has held the position of Director of the Human Products Monitoring department since 2019, having worked previously in good clinical practice and pharmacovigilance in the Compliance department. She has previous experience in leading clinical development and quality management activities in clinical research organisations.

She holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree from the University of Galway and a Master of Science degree in Pharmaceutical Medicine from Trinity College Dublin.

Mr Sean d'Art

Director of ICT and Business Services

Photo of Sean d'Art, Director of ICT and Business Services

Sean leads our ICT and Business Services Department. His responsibilities include the provision of best-in-class information technology capabilities to the organisation, and the management and development of the HPRA’s information systems and technology assets. He was appointed to the role in 2021.

Before joining the HPRA, Sean held a range of senior roles across a spectrum of industries and organisations in Ireland and abroad.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Engineering from Trinity College, Dublin, and a Masters of Business Administration from Cranfield University. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors (UK).

Dr Finnuala Lonsdale

Director of Human Products Authorisation and Registration

Photo of Finnuala Lonsdale, Director of Human Products Authorisation and Registration

Finnuala is our Director of the Human Products Authorisation and Registration Department (HPAR). She leads a team of more than 100 people who assess applications for marketing authorisations for human medicines and clinical trials. She joined the HPRA in March 2022.

Prior to joining the HPRA she has worked in clinical practice , healthcare administration, in contract clinical research, as an executive in a multinational pharmaceutical company and for the United Kingdom Home Office.

She is a medical doctor by background having specialist consultant qualifications in psychiatry, clinical pharmacology and pharmaceutical medicine as well as holding a Masters Degree in Business Administration.

Ms Grainne Power

Director of Compliance

Photo of Grainne Power, Director of Compliance

Grainne is our Director of the Compliance working with teams spanning the licensing and inspection of medicines manufacture, wholesaling, clinical trial sponsors and trial sites along with pharmacovigilance practice.

The regulation of cosmetics and controlled drugs along with medicines defect and recall management shortage coordination, advertising compliance and enforcement activities are part of the work of Compliance.

She joined the Compliance team in January 2022 having spent just over 3 years working with the HPRA as Director of Human Medicines Authorisation.

Prior to joining the HPRA, Grainne worked in various QA management roles including Site QA lead within Irish based multi-nationals including a number of start-up facilities spanning a period of over 20 years.

She holds a degree in Biotechnology from DCU and post graduate diplomas from both UCD and TCD. Grainne is currently the HPRA representative on the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI).

Elizabeth Stuart

Director of Human Resources and Development

Photo of Elizabeth Stuart, Director of Human Resources and Development

Elizabeth is our Director of Human Resources and Development responsible for the delivery of effective strategy, processes and initiatives that provide for the availability, management, development, and engagement of human resources within the HPRA. She was appointed to Director in May 2021.

Prior to joining the HPRA, Elizabeth worked in the professional services industry, gaining significant experience in employee relations, performance management, business partnering and HR best practice. From there Elizabeth joined the HPRA and before being appointed to Director held the role of HR Manager responsible for workforce planning, resource management, performance management, and the delivery of a range of development and coaching initiatives.

She holds a degree in HR Management, a master's in Strategic HR, a post graduate diploma in Project Management, and a diploma in Executive and Leadership coaching.

Dr Niall MacAleenan

Director of Medical Devices

Photo of Niall MacAleenan, Director of Medical Devices
Niall MacAleenan qualified as a medical doctor at Trinity College Dublin. Niall worked in a variety of clinical and research roles across the Irish health care system. He also attained a business degree from University College Dublin.

Niall joined the HPRA in 2005 as a medical assessor for medical devices. Since that time he has held a variety of different roles at senior level within the organisation both in the area of medical devices and human medicines. In 2018, he was appointed as head of the newly established medical devices department that has responsibility for the HPRA’s market regulatory, surveillance and notified body oversight activities. Niall is a member of the EU’s Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG) and the Executive Group of the Competent Authorities for Medical Devices (CAMD) network. At international level, Niall is a member of the Management Committee of the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF).

HPRA Leadership Team - Declarations of Interests 2024 PDF : 94 KB | 22/10/2024