Emergency contact details
You can use the contact details below when you need to contact us for urgent issues.
Emergency out-of-hours use only
The emergency out-of-office numbers are only for urgent situations and only when the office is closed.
During office hours
During office hours, you can:
- send your query using our contact form
- report an issue using our online reporting forms
Your query or report will be sent directly to a member of HPRA staff. If you need additional help, call our switchboard on +353 1 647 4971.
Reporting urgent quality defects during office hours
If you are reporting an urgent quality defect during office hours, use the emergency phone number listed below.
Contact your healthcare professional for medical advice
We cannot provide medical advice. If you are worried about your health, please talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or another healthcare professional. They can give you advice about using medicines or other healthcare products that are right for you.
If your question concerns medical advice, we won’t be able to answer it and we will recommend you contact a healthcare professional instead.
Emergency phone numbers
Quality defects
Patients and members of the public can report quality defects using our online form.
Industry or healthcare professionals reporting urgent quality defects should contact us by phone. Please do not use email to report an urgent quality defect. Use the relevant phone number below.
- Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm: +353 1 6764971
- Emergency out-of-office hours (urgent issues only): +353 1 6343560
Other urgent matters not related to quality defects
If you need additional help for urgent issues outside office hours, call +353 1 634 3885.