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Medical Cannabis Access Programme (MCAP)

Access to cannabis-based medicines or products in Ireland

In Ireland, cannabis-based medicines or products, which can be prescribed by medical practitioners, must be approved for medical use under one of the three following routes:

  1. Authorised medicine
    These are cannabis-based medicines which have received a marketing authorisation from the HPRA or the European Commission.
  2. Medical Cannabis Access Programme (MCAP)
    Please see below for further details on the MCAP.
  3. Ministerial Licence
    An Irish-registered medical practitioner may apply to the Minister for Health for a Ministerial Licence to prescribe cannabis-based products for medical use for a patient under their care.
    Further information on the Ministerial Licence route can be found on the Government of Ireland's website at Applying to the Minister for Health for a medical cannabis licence and Cannabis for Medical Use.

What is the MCAP?

The MCAP allows an Irish-registered medical practitioner to prescribe a cannabis-based product for medical use in specific cases.

If a patient fails to respond to standard treatments, a medical consultant can prescribe a cannabis-based product for their patient for the following conditions:

  • Spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis.
  • Intractable nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy.
  • Severe, refractory (treatment-resistant) epilepsy.


The legal framework and details of the programme are outlined in the Misuse of Drugs (Prescription and control of supply of cannabis for medical use) Regulations 2019 (as amended).

These regulations allow the importation, prescribing, and supply of cannabis-based products that meet the requirements of the Regulations. The products that are accepted for use are listed in Schedule 1 of the Regulations.

What is a 'specified controlled drug'?

A 'specified controlled drug' is a cannabis-based product, or preparation, which has been accepted for use under the MCAP. These products are listed in Schedule 1 of the Regulations.

A company can apply to the HPRA to have their product added to Schedule 1 of the Regulations. We process the application on behalf of the Minister for Health.

You can find more information about the requirements for cannabis-based products in Appendices 1 and 2 of our guidance document below.

You can also find a list of the accepted specified controlled drugs on the Department of Health's website.

Application form for inclusion of cannabis-based products on the MCAP

You must complete the application form below to have a cannabis-based product considered for inclusion in Schedule 1 of the Regulations. Completed forms should be submitted to the return details provided on the form.

Application for products to be considered for inclusion in Schedule 1 of Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2019 DOCX : 79 KB | 07/03/2023

Controlled drug licences

Cannabis-based products listed in Schedule 1 of the Regulations are also included in Schedule 2 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2017 (as amended).

You need a separate controlled drug annual licence to possess, supply, or offer to supply, a controlled drug listed in Schedule 2 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2017 (as amended).

An import licence is also needed for each import consignment.

You can find more information about controlled drug licences and how to apply for them on the Licences page.

For more information

You can find more information about the MCAP on the Department of Health's website.