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Good Clinical Practice (GCP) inspections

Why we conduct GCP inspections

We conduct inspections (regulatory audits) of clinical trials to check if they are being conducted according to the requirements of Good Clinical Practice (GCP).

GCP is a set of internationally recognised ethical and scientific quality guidelines that must be followed when designing, conducting, recording and reporting on clinical trials.

If the GCP guidelines are followed, this gives us confidence that the rights, safety and well-being of people participating in the trial (known as trial participants) are protected, and that the results of clinical trials are reliable. For that reason, all clinical trials must be designed, conducted and reported according to the principles and requirements of GCP. In addition to GCP, we will also check that the trial is being performed according to any other applicable legislation and guidelines.

The aim of inspections is to check compliance. As part of this we may identify some practices or processes that are not in compliance. Where we identify these issues, we will expect the site or company to take action. This can include correcting any ongoing issues and/or taking steps to prevent the issue from happening again.

Types of GCP inspections

The GCP guideline outlines two key groups that are responsible for most activities relating to a clinical trial- the investigator and the sponsor.

  • The investigator is the main person responsible for conducting the trial at an individual site. This is typically a medical doctor who is responsible for conducting the trial at a hospital or clinic.
  • The sponsor is the company or organisation that is responsible for the overall trial, which may be conducted at one or multiple sites. This can include pharmaceutical companies, universities or other research institutions who decide to conduct the clinical trial.

The focus, or scope, of GCP inspections can differ depending on where the inspection is conducted.

Inspections may be study specific, and focus on reviewing GCP compliance of a single clinical trial, or they may be broader and look at the systems which support trials generally. Typically, investigator site inspections are study specific, while inspections of sponsors may be used to broadly review systems and processes they have in place to support multiple clinical trials.

Inspections may be carried out at any stage of a clinical trial, including ongoing or completed studies, and may be announced or unannounced. However, generally, we give notice to sites before conducting an inspection.

Selection of sites for inspection

Most of our inspections are performed as part of our national routine risk-based programme. This is where a sample of clinical trials and clinical trial sites are selected for inspection on an annual basis. Other inspections may be performed throughout the year in response to specific information that is received, which are known as 'for cause' or 'triggered' inspections.

Inspections may be performed at any site that is involved in a clinical trial, including:

  • investigator sites (e.g. hospitals or clinics where the trial is conducted),
  • clinical research facilities which support clinical trials at larger hospitals,
  • offices of the clinical trial sponsor
  • any other company or 'service provider' who may be contracted by the clinical trial sponsor.

A request to inspect a trial may also be received from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). If requested, we may conduct these inspections in collaboration with inspectors from other EU member states. This may involve inspection of sites internationally, and would typically include trial sites in countries outside of the EU.

Procedure for GCP inspections

The typical procedure for the conduct of routine national GCP inspections is outlined below. EMA requested inspections will follow a similar process, but are conducted according to different timelines.


In general, the sponsor of a clinical trial will be notified 4-6 weeks in advance of a planned inspection. In relation to for cause or triggered inspections, a shorter notice period may be given. The notification will outline the trial that has been selected for inspection and the site(s) where the inspection will be conducted. It will also outline what will be reviewed as part of the inspection (the scope) and the planned number of inspection days. The notification will include an initial list of pre-inspection requests for information and documentation which must be provided to the HPRA in advance. This may include:

  • Details relating to the number of trial participants involved at the site(s)
  • Procedures outlining how the trial was to be conducted (e.g. standard operating procedures or SOPs)
  • Trial-specific documents such as the protocol, informed consent forms, product handling instructions, laboratory manual, monitoring plans and reports
  • CV of the Principal Investigator (the main doctor responsible for the conduct of the trial at the site) and key members of the clinical trial study team
  • Access to electronic systems which may be used for the trial, in particular electronic health records if they are used for capturing relevant data
  • Logistical details for travelling to the site

This information will be reviewed and used to develop an inspection plan, which will be provided to the site at least one week prior to the start of the inspection.

Inspection conduct

The duration of the inspection and the number of inspectors conducting it will vary depending on the complexity of the clinical trial and the activities conducted at the site. Typically, they are scheduled for 3-5 days and will be performed at the site that was chosen for the inspection. Where appropriate, certain types of inspections may also be conducted remotely.

The activities conducted during an inspection, including the type of documentation reviewed, will vary depending on the type of inspection and the scope. However, inspections usually consist of an opening meeting, document review, interview sessions with key personnel, a tour of facilities involved in the clinical trial and a closing meeting.

The scope and activities reviewed during some of the more common types of GCP inspections conducted by the HPRA are outlined below. This list is not exhaustive, but provides an overview of areas that would typically be reviewed.

Investigator site inspections may include a review of:

  • Communication with the ethics committee / HPRA
  • Conduct of the trial at the site
  • Informed consent of trial participants
  • Review of trial participant data
  • Safety reporting
  • Management of the investigational medicinal product(s)
  • Facilities and equipment (including computerised systems)
  • Management of biological samples
  • Organisation of clinical trial documentation
  • Monitoring

Sponsor (systems) inspections may include a review of:

  • Organisation and personnel
  • Facilities and equipment
  • Standard operating procedures
  • Set up, conduct and closure of clinical trials
  • Monitoring
  • Investigational medicinal product management
  • Safety reporting
  • Data management
  • Reporting of clinical trial results
  • Clinical trial documentation and archiving
  • Sub-contracting and oversight of vendors
  • Quality management system and audit

Sponsor (specific clinical trial) inspections may include a review of:

  • Set up, conduct and closure of the clinical trial
  • Monitoring
  • Investigational medicinal product management
  • Safety reporting
  • Ongoing safety evaluation
  • Data management
  • Statistical analysis
  • Reporting of clinical trial results
  • Clinical trial documentation and archiving
  • Quality management system/audit
Reporting and follow-up

A written report outlining issues identified during the inspection will be sent to the site / sponsor within three weeks of the end of the inspection.

Issues that are identified (also known as deficiencies) are classified into three categories: critical, major and minor. These are defined as follows:

Critical: Conditions, practices or processes that adversely affect the rights, safety or wellbeing of the subjects and/or the quality and integrity of data. Critical observations are considered totally unacceptable.

Major: Conditions, practices or processes that might adversely affect the rights, safety or wellbeing of the subjects and/or the quality and integrity of data. Major observations are serious deficiencies and are direct violations of GCP principles. 

Minor: Conditions, practices or processes that would not be expected to adversely affect the rights, safety or wellbeing of the subjects and/or the quality and integrity of data.

The site will be requested to provide a response to the issues outlined in the report within approximately three weeks of receipt. The report will outline the deadline for response and will contain a template to assist with responses. A response for each finding should be provided, outlining a root cause analysis of the deficiency (e.g. what caused the issue) and a proposal for corrective and preventative actions (CAPA). Specific actions are expected to be provided as part of this response, including what is going to be done, who will be responsible and when it will be completed. Further actions may be recommended by a Compliance Regulatory Group.

The responses will be reviewed by the inspection team to determine whether or not they are acceptable to address the issues identified and to prevent them occurring in future. The inspectors will routinely send follow up questions or request further clarification before the responses are finalised. When the responses to the inspection report are considered to be acceptable, the inspection can be closed and a close out letter is issued.

You can find further information on GCP inspections in the guidance document below.

You can find information relating to GCP topics of interest on our dedicated page. Each topic includes background information, links where you can find further information, and some useful guidance from our inspectors.