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Licensing and registration of operators - trade between the EU and third countries

The tables below provide the licensing and registration requirements for precursor chemical (also known as scheduled substance) operators trading between the EU and Third Countries.

  • The requirements are set out in Regulation (EC) No. 111/2005 (as amended).
  • The licence and registration requirements also apply to operators engaged in intermediary activities.

Pre-export notification (PEN) requirements

In some cases, when exporting a precursor chemical, the competent authority of the exporting country must send a pre-export notification (PEN) to the competent authority in the importing country.

This alerts the competent authority in the importing country of the details of the export transaction. The PEN system was developed by the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

When required, we use this system to alert an importing country of an export that is due to take place.

You can find information about whether a PEN is required in the exporting table below.

Import and export authorisation requirements

In some cases, an import or export authorisation is required for trade between the EU and a Third Country.

You can find information about whether an import or export authorisation is required in the tables below.


 Category 1 Category 2A Category 2B Category 3 Category 4 
Annual Licence/registrationLicence required Registration required Registration required 
No licence or registration required 
No licence or registration required 
Import authorisation Authorisation required Authorisation not required Authorisation not required Authorisation not required Authorisation not required 


 Category 1Category 2ACategory 2B Category 3Category 4 
Annual Licence/registrationLicence requiredRegistration required Registration requiredRegistration required*No licence or registration required 
Export authorisationAuthorisation requiredAuthorisation required Authorisation required Authorisation required to certain countries Authorisation required 
Pre-export notification (PEN) PEN required PEN required PEN required to certain countries**PEN required to certain countries**PEN required  

*Registration and customer declaration are required for quantities that exceed (per calendar year):

  1. Acetone: 50kg
  2. Ethyl ether: 20kg
  3. Hydrochloric acid: 100kg
  4. Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK): 50kg
  5. Sulphuric acid: 100kg
  6. Toluene: 50kg

** The list of countries which require PENs in accordance with the 1988 United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances is published on the website of the European Commission.

You can find application forms for precursor chemical licences, registrations, and authorisations on our dedicated page.