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Application to withdraw a manufacturer’s/importer’s authorisation for veterinary medicines

The withdrawal of a Manufacturers Authorisation may be initiated:

  • At the request of the authorisation holder.
  • If the HPRA's Compliance department receives information concerning other business-related situations which might necessitate the withdrawal of an authorisation. For example, information that a company is going into liquidation.
  • If the MIA holder has allowed their authorisation to expire, if an expiry date is set, as it is no longer applicable to their current operational activities. This situation may be noted by an inspector during inspection.

How do I apply to withdraw my Authorisation?

You must complete the application form linked below to withdraw a manufacturer's/importer's authorisation or registration for manufacture/importation/distribution of active substance.

You must make sure the application form is:

  • Completed in full.
  • Bears the signature of the applicant. Where the application is on behalf of a limited company, the declaration must be signed by a director or the secretary and, in the case of a partnership, by a partner.
  • Submitted to the return details provided on the form.
Application to withdraw an authorisation licence approval or registration DOCX : 111 KB | 28/01/2022