How we monitor the safety of human organs for transplantation
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Organs vigilance
Together the HPRA and the Office for Organ Donation and Transplant Ireland (ODTI) at the HSE have been designated as the National Competent Authorities for the purposes of implementing EU and national legislation relating to human organs intended for transplantation.
The HPRA and the ODTI have established a system for the notification of suspected Serious Adverse Reactions (SARs) and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) associated with human organs intended for transplantation.
The reporting of SAR/Es is important to highlight any unexpected complication, particularly if recipients may be at risk. It provides a mechanism for monitoring the quality and safety of organs during the entire chain from donation to transplantation through report investigation and implementation of Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPA).
How to Report
You can submit SAR/E reports using the serious adverse reaction event report form for human organs intended for transplantation. SAR/Es should be submitted to the HPRA and ODTI/HSE as per details provided in the guidance document.
We have worked with the ODTI to develop a guidance document for procurement organisations / transplantation centres and/or other relevant organisations. The guidance document outlines:
- The procedure to follow for reporting suspected SAR/Es,
- Advice on completion of SAR/E report forms,
- Information on SAR/Es.