We only collect information that you choose to share with us via our online forms:
- Contact us
- Report an issue
- MyAlerts
- Registering for an event
If you would like us to remove your details, or update your subscription preferences, you can contact us at any time via our online Contact Us form selecting the ‘Other’ category and choosing ‘General query’.
Will we ever share your data?
In some circumstances, personal information you provide to us will be made available to other regulatory bodies in Europe and third countries when necessary to fulfil our regulatory functions
Personal information may also be shared with a third party when you are making an online payment to the HPRA. Payment information will not be kept longer than necessary and anyone with access to personal information needed to perform these payment functions may not use it for any other purpose.
[insert bit about Sendgrid here?]
Using your data for analytics
Your personal data may also be anonymised and used for statistical purposes, such as web analytics. The technical information will be used only by the HPRA to assist in providing an efficient and user-friendly website. These details are confined to the following items:
- The IP address of your web server
- The top-level domain name used (for example .ie, .com, .org, .net)
- The previous website address from which you reached us, including any search terms used
- Clickstream data which shows your navigation around this web site (for example pages accessed and documents downloaded)
- The type of web browser, operating system and device you used
We will make no attempt to identify individual visitors, or to associate these technical details with any individual. It is our policy never to share technical information in respect of individual website visitors to any third party, unless obliged to disclose such information by law.
For more information on our cookie policy please visit our Cookie Listing page.