Cosmetic products labelling
Article 19 of Regulation EC No. 1223/2009 outlines the information that cosmetic products must display.
- Language: For the Irish market, the label of cosmetic products should be in English, or Irish and English.
- European Responsible Person (RP) address
- Weight or volume
- Minimum date of durability or period-after-opening symbol*
- Precautions for use: The CPSR should examine the need for precautions for use. All precautions should appear on the label of the product.
- Batch number or reference ID
- Product function: if not apparent form the presentation of the product
- List of ingredients: all substances in the formulation must appear in the list from largest quantity to smallest. The International nomenclature for Cosmetic Ingredient (INCI) name for each ingredient should be used.
*Minimum date of durability: The date the cosmetic product remains safe for use if stored under appropriate conditions. If the cosmetic has a minimum date of durability of greater than 30 months, a period after opening (PAO) symbol is required.
PAO: the length of time after opening for which the product is considered fit for use by the consumer. A graphical 'open jar' symbol followed by the period (in months and/or years) shows the PAO.
Note: Minimum date of durability and PAO are not random figures. Rather, they are determined as part of testing required to be detailed in the cosmetic product safety report (CPSR) and evidence to support the declared minimum date of durability and PAO must be included in the CPSR.