Information on pharmacovigilance for marketing authorisation holders and applicants
This webpage contains relevant and up-to-date information relating to veterinary pharmacovigilance that may be of interest to marketing authorisation holders (MAH) and applicants. Links to the sources of the information are included for ease of access.
Guidelines on veterinary good pharmacovigilance practices (VGVP)
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published a number of guidelines on veterinary good pharmacovigilance practices (VGVP guidelines). The links to these modules are included below:
- Collection and recording of suspected adverse events for veterinary medicinal products
- Signal Management
- Veterinary pharmacovigilance communication
- Pharmacovigilance systems, their quality management systems and pharmacovigilance system master files
- Controls and pharmacovigilance Inspections
- Glossary
Adverse events and use of Veterinary Dictionary for Drug Related Affairs (VeDDRA) terminology
A Question & Answer document has been published by the EMA describing how adverse events should be described in the product information and can be accessed from the EMA website at the link below:
Adverse events should be described in the product information using approved VeDDRA terms. The list of currently approved VeDDRA terms is published on the EMA website and can be accessed at the link below:
The EMA has published Eudravigilance Veterinary user manuals for EVVT3 (the Union Pharmacovigilance Database) and the Data Warehouse. These are available on the EMA website and can be accessed at the links below:
EVVET – Data Warehouse User Manual
Signal management
Useful information on the signal management process and how to submit signals is available on the EMA website using the following links:
Guideline on veterinary good pharmacovigilance practices (VGVP) Module: Signal Management
A template signal assessment report for use by marketing authorisation holders when submitting a signal is available here:
Veterinary signal assessment report template for marketing authorisation holders
From 1 May 2023, for any signal which has submitted to the IRIS platform of the Union Pharmacovigilance Database and which has been assessed by the MAH as a change to the benefit-risk balance or a new risk requiring change(s) to the product information, MAHs are required to also submit a G.I.19 VRA to the relevant competent authority.
How to submit pharmacovigilance-related variations not requiring assessment (VNRAs) in the Union Product Database (UPD)
The EMA has published two short videos on how to submit variations not requiring assessment (VNRAs) in the Union Product Database (UPD) which can be viewed below.
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Please note that the videos are only available to view if you have selected the relevant preferences in the cookie settings for our website. The videos are also available to view on the EMA’s YouTube account.
How to submit VNRAs related to QPPV information
This video providence guidance for a category C.1 VNRA relating to a change in the name, address or contact details of the Qualified Person responsible for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV).
How to submit VNRAs related to PSMF information
This video provides guidance for category C.5 & C.6 VNRAs relating to a change in the location of the Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PSMF) or the introduction of a summary of the PSMF or changes to the summary of the PSMF.
Technical grouping of VNRAs is possible for VNRA categories C1, C5 and C6 provided that the Reference Member State (RMS) is the same for all products included in the grouping and that any nationally-authorised products included are also authorised in the RMS i.e., the same authority is the decision maker for all products that are included in the grouping.
Temporary window to manually add the QPPV email address in the Union Product Database (UPD)
Currently, the UPD only includes the name and location of the QPPV. However, the UPD now includes a new separate field to record the email address of the QPPV. For a limited time (30th July to 30th November 2024), marketing authorisation holders can manually add the QPPV email address for their products in the UPD without having to submit a variation application.
Only the email address of the QPPV may be added and all other changes to QPPV details must be introduced by way of a C.1 VNRA. After the 30th November 2024, changes to or addition of a QPPV email address must be made by way of a C.1 VNRA.
Information on how to manually add the QPPV email address has been sent by the EMA directly to all industry users registered in the UPD.
Note that the email address should be
- The email of the QPPV as specified in Article 77(8) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, responsible for tasks in Article 78 (e.g.,, and consistent with that included/to be included in the PSMF summary;
- A functional email for pharmacovigilance issues when one has been set up by the MAH (e.g.,
As only one email address may be recorded in the UPD per product, in case of discrepancies between the QPPV email address in UPD and the PSMF summary, the latter should be updated to match the QPPV email in the UPD when the PSMF summary is next changed by a VNRA. Currently, there is no requirement for MAHs to update the PSMF summary.
Note that if the MAH intends to manually add a different email address to the UPD than that which is included in the PSMF summary or previously notified to the HPRA, then the HPRA should be advised of this to avoid any possibility of the manually added QPPV email address being overwritten by the information currently held by the HPRA.