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Code of conduct 

We are committed to providing regulation that is open, unbiased and efficient. Transparency in what we do helps our stakeholders (the public, healthcare professionals, government and industry) understand how we make decisions. It also builds confidence in the quality and independence of our work.

Conflicts of Interest Policy PDF : 205 KB | 18/02/2022 Code of Conduct PDF : 326 KB | 20/05/2024

Declarations of Interests

The HPRA adheres stringently to the Ethics in Public Office Acts, 1995 and 2011. In addition, the Irish Medicines Board Acts 1995 and 2006 have specific provisions which require an annual disclosure of interests by HPRA Board members, employees and members of advisory committees. 

These provisions are administered by the HPRA in line with best Irish and International practice. They provide assurance to the HPRA and to patients and the public we serve that potential conflicts of interest do not occur in relation to carrying out our regulatory functions whilst also allowing the HPRA to have access to the best available scientific experts. Annual disclosures extend not only to interests held by these individuals but also by members of their households. 

Staff of the HPRA are specifically prohibited by the Board from having any interest in any matter under consideration. The HPRA also proactively requires its advisory committee members (who are not staff of the HPRA but provide advice based on their scientific experience and expertise) to make an annual declaration of interest. The disclosure of any potential conflict of interest is a standing item on the agenda of every committee meeting and each member is asked to confirm that they have no conflict of interest with matters under discussion.

HPRA Authority Members Declaration of Interest 2024 PDF : 125 KB | 06/11/2024 HPRA Leadership Team - Declarations of Interests 2024 PDF : 94 KB | 22/10/2024

European Medicines Agency 

The European Medicines Agency publishes the declarations of interests of all European experts, including those from the HPRA, who provide scientific expertise through membership of the Agency’s committees, working parties and other groups. 

It is a requirement that all experts sign a declaration every year to ensure that they do not have any financial or other interests that could affect their impartiality.

Further information is available from the EMA's website

Privacy & data protection

For information on how data is collected, processed, shared and retained, please visit our privacy & data protection section.