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Non-technical summaries of projects

A non-technical summary (NTS) is a brief, easy-to-understand description of a project. It is written in simple language, aimed at helping the public understand the reasons and methods behind the work, including how the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) will be implemented. Up to 31 December 2020 Member States had to publish NTS reports nationally. Now, NTSs are published in an EU Commission database, called the ALURES NTS EU database.

The NTS follows a specific format required by the EU Commission. Before 2021, it was referred to as a non-technical project summary (NTPS) report, with a slightly different format.

The person seeking project approval writes the NTS. Within six months of approval, the EU Member State where the study will be conducted must upload the NTS to the EU database. Projects authorised by the HPRA since 1 January 2021 are published by the EU Commission, not on the HPRA website.

However, amendments to NTPSs linked to projects authorised prior to January 2021 are on the HPRA website. Published NTPS reports are publicly for three years after the project authorisation expires.

Guidance and application forms

Details about the content of NTS can be found in Annex I of Commission Implementing Decision 2020/569/EU. The relevant guidance and template forms for submitting a NTS are available in the project authorisation applications section.

NTPS reports

A list of NTPS reports we have published.

Learn more