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The 3Rs

The 3Rs represent the principles of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement, forming a compassionate framework for animal research. Their aim is to replace animals in scientific studies with alternative methods, such as computer modelling, and where animals remain necessary, to minimise pain or harm and to enhance their welfare.

These principles are the foundation of EU and national legislation concerning the protection and welfare of animals used in science, encompassing domestic as well as wild animals and birds involved in research projects.

You can read more about these principles in the table below.

Principle What it means Examples
Replacement Embracing alternative methods that do not involve live animals.Utilisation of computer models, cell-based assays, videos, and invertebrates.
ReductionEmploying the most appropriate number of animals for the study.Using good experimental design to ensure that neither too few nor too many animals are used. Leveraging new technologies such as imaging can also help, while sharing tissues between research groups is also beneficial.
Refinement Minimising suffering and enhancing animal welfare in studies.Ensuring careful animal handling by trained researchers, providing anaesthesia and pain relief during procedures, maintaining high standards of housing and husbandry, including access to toys and nesting material.

Further information on the 3Rs


A look at alternative approaches to animal testing and some useful resources from EU bodies.

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Overview of the 3Rs

A comprehensive list of resources providing detailed information on the 3Rs principles.

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Other animals

Resources on welfare and research ethics for animals such as dogs, birds, ferrets, amphibians and wild animals.

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A list of resources for researchers, ethics committees, AWBs, and information officers involved in research and welfare of fish.

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Farm animals

References to some publications available that prmote the principles of 3Rs.

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Resources for general considerations in relation to rodents along with welfare and ethical information.

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If you have any queries about these links, or suggestions for additional useful 3Rs resources that could be included here, please email